So much has happened since my last blog...
For some reason... I can not seem to get into the
groove...forcing myself to spend structured amounts of time, coming up
with ideas to blog about. Personally I do not think my opinion is worth a hell
of a lot, & when it comes to mundane topics of fancy, I really could not
care less. I would rather share the good news, I have been accepted to school,
at the Art Institute of Vancouver, for Web Design & Flash Animated, follow immediately
with web scripting (beginner and advanced). I am presently in my third week, have to admit that it has
been more than overwhelming. It has been 20 plus years since I last
graced an academic institution’s hallowed halls and there still seems to be some
adjustments going on, but it is a
chance none the less to improve on what I have spent 20 some odd years building. Change can be a good thing sometimes,
even if we need to be carried into it kicking and screaming. I am presently
taking Web Design and Flash animation at the Art Institute of Vancouver...(which
also includes a refresher for Adobe CS3)...which will be helpful since I worked
primarily in CorelDRAW! (which recently I have found out is a dirty work around
there). Yikes!!!
Well. it is all good.. and I am in the process of adjusting...I thrive on
change and will rise to the challenge...if it doesn't kill me first!
I have added a page (pulled and all nighter last night) for the purpose of a
presentation for Typography. Yes Typography!!! Being a sign designer for almost 20 years taking typography
again there has to be some irony there somewhere. Dems' the breaks...

My Teacher Anne has graciously allowed me to discuss this topic, as pertaining to the British Classification System...
Thank you Anne...for you see that working with font and especially Handwritten had been one of the joys of my life that I never grow tired of, so please take a second and enjoy the images I have loaded on Hand Lettering in Signs..
and by the way, if you feel the need, let me know when
I am full of s*#t..... :
Tags: school theartinsituteofvancouver handlettered